Happy Mother’s Day!

Today is a bittersweet day for me.  It’s the second Mother’s Day without my mom, but she is in Heaven enjoying freedom and good health, and I feel her with me every day. Sometimes I still feel that finger in my face fussing at me too, and she would be surprised that I do still listen. 

I can’t be with my son today thanks to the nonsense the world has thrown at us. I thought I would be sadder about it, but I’m not.  I haven’t seen my son in months, and he is the light of my earthly world.  I miss him, but I do not feel his absence.  I talk to him on the phone often, and we Facetime once in a while; he looks healthy and happy.  He came from me, and he’s a part of me.  I feel his love and presence continually.  

This morning I awoke to the sweetest text from him.  God could not have given me a better son – not that he’s perfect, of course.  He exasperates me…still.  We went through some difficult times together as he was growing up, but I have often told him that when we were up in Heaven, before we lived on this earth, that God lined up a bunch of us women and asked us, “Who wants this crazy kid?” Apparently, I volunteered – a decision I will never regret.  

Back in the day when I was still single, I had the love of good parents and a great extended family, but something was always missing.  It wasn’t Jesus.  He was with me always, but something left this big empty hole in my heart that even marriage could not fill.  Once my son was born, that empty hole in my heart was filled with so much love that it hurt.  My whole life I was just waiting to be his mom.

Though he’s grown up and moved out and I do not get to see him as often as I’d like, that love is still filling my heart.  I miss him, but I’m not sad.  He is miles and miles away, but he is never absent – kind of like his dirty clothes that are still inhabiting my laundry room.  I guess a better mother would have washed them by now…naaaaah.

To my own mom:  thanks for loving me and putting up with me, and thanks for molding me into the wife and mom that I am.  I have a happy family because of you.  You taught me how to respect and care for my husband and how to nurture and teach my son. Thank you.

To my son:  You will never truly know the love of a parent until you become one.  I would jump into the mouth of a shark and give him a good beat down if he had a hold of you.  I would run in front of a semi-truck to push you out of the road. I would gladly take all the worries of your heart upon my own to keep you from being sad even one day of your life. I would give my life for you, just as Jesus gave his life for us.  That day in Heaven, when God asked, “Who wants this crazy woman as their mom?” Thanks for choosing me.

To all those kids out there, someday you will understand why moms make your life so lovingly miserable, so be kind.  To all those mothers out there, Happy Mother’s Day!  Thank you for your strength, courage, and endurance.  To all those mothers yet to be, there is nothing like the unconditional love of a child.  Don’t miss out on it!  To my awesome husband, thank you for working so hard to make the empty nest syndrome a little easier to bear.  Happy Mother’s Day all!  Make sure your mom knows how much you love her today – no matter where you are.

Published by walkrlane

Christian blogger and author

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